Custom maid 3d 2 english ui 4.2 mirror
Custom maid 3d 2 english ui 4.2 mirror

custom maid 3d 2 english ui 4.2 mirror

That seems like something that should at least get a mention before they threw another potential love interest into the movie. Connie was David's ex-wife, and (having not even heard of the novel) I'm guessing was his wife once again after the film. Is there a reason they couldn't have at least mentioned that in the movie? They bothered to show Dylan's mom even though his dad was specifically mentioned to be dead already.Connie, for instance, died a few years before the film. The novel Independence Day: Crucible clears up plenty of details.Spano and Nimzicki aren't seen or mentioned, but General Grey does have a brief cameo.Grey and Nimzicki I guess can be explained by them having died between films, as both of their actors have sadly passed on. Also absent are Major Mitchell, Miguel and his siblings, Albert Nimzicki and General Grey.

custom maid 3d 2 english ui 4.2 mirror

#Custom maid 3d 2 english ui 4.2 mirror movie#

Will the movie explain what happened to the characters from the last movie we haven't seen yet? Constance Spano is suspiciously absent, especially since she reconciled with David in the first film and I imagine would be a pivotal figure in the post-war world and in David's life.People do stuff like that to give themselves hope. There was probably some amount of hoping Okun would wake up one day, which led him to keep the glasses there just in case. Yes, so? It's clear that his friend/boyfriend/whatever has been taking dutiful care of him all these years.And it turns out, his glasses have been conveniently kept by his bedside for all this time? So when Okun wakes from his 20-year coma, he needs his glasses to see.And when we see his unconscious body later on he doesn't appear to be shot. If you look in the original movie, there's a short scene of the alien actually getting shot, and Okun isn't against the glass anymore.

Custom maid 3d 2 english ui 4.2 mirror